DockNYC offers a streamlined public berth management program providing clients a single point of contact to efficiently accommodate the various demands of each berth location. Since 2013, Billybey Marina Service has operated the DockNYC program for the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC). DockNYC is the program that operates and manages publicly owned waterfront sites in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island as part of the city priority to activate key waterfront assets. The DockNYC mission is to support transportation, recreational, educational, commercial, historic, and cultural opportunities in addition to essential maritime options at DockNYC facilities.
DockNYC can accommodate uses including but not limited to tug and barge operators, excursion managers, recreational vessel owners, mega yachts, naval vessels, cargo ships, sport boats, as well as cultural, historic, and educational ships. Our DockNYC locations are situated in Manhattan on the Hudson and East River, in Brooklyn on the Upper Bay, and in Staten Island. Utilizing our locations as a permanent base of operations, users have been able to establish successful businesses, hassle-free of berthing conflicts.